Rosanna Pacileo
How do people and our experiences of the past live on? Memories are powerful. Their strength from what they invoke can bring the past into the present and the present into the past. History inspires, drives us in untold ways, and creates many stories. I have used my art to help feelings of loss, but also moments of joy. Recalling parts of my past through a delicate brush, the molding of clay, the crafting of form, bringing life to what would otherwise have sailed further into the fog of distant memory. A friendship that lasts forever, even after they are no longer with us, by creating a space that recalls their presence. In surfacing feelings, people, and experiences, into a piece of art that lives in a present material form, I am choosing to fuse together my raw humanity with my love for creativity. My work is made up from my experiences, the people that influence my life, and the passion I desire to share with the world.
Portrait Sculpture in Clay
These works are apart of my studies in 3 dimensional portrait sculpting in clay.